Kevin Hart tickets

Anyone with a penchant for comedy will undoubtedly know of Kevin Hart. His multi-city comedy tours have seen him take the stage in arenas around the globe.

Kevin Hart Tour Schedule 2024

Date City Location Tickets
Mar 8 (2024) Atlanta, GA Coca-Cola Roxy Tickets ➔
Mar 9 (2024) North Charleston, SC North Charleston Performing Arts Center Tickets ➔
Mar 16 (2024) Cincinnati, OH The Andrew J Brady Music Center Tickets ➔
Mar 30 (2024) Shreveport, LA The Strand Theatre Tickets ➔
Apr 06 (2024) Fayetteville, NC Crown Theatre Tickets ➔
Apr 14 (2024) Pittsburgh, PA Benedum Center Tickets ➔
Apr 21 (2024) El Cajon, CA The Magnolia Tickets ➔
Apr 27 (2024) Milwaukee, MI Miller High Life Theatre Tickets ➔
May 10 (2024) Hollywood, CA Hollywood Bowl Tickets ➔
May 18 (2024) Tampa, FL David A. Straz, Jr. Center for the Performing Arts Tickets ➔
May 25 (2024) Jackson, MS Thalia Mara Hall Tickets ➔
Jun 23 (2024) Albuquerque, NM Sandia Amphitheater at Sandia Resort & Casino Tickets ➔
Jun 29 (2024) Westbury, NY NYCB Theatre at Westbury Tickets ➔

🎤 The tour, dubbed “Brand New Material with Kevin Hart,” promises a rollercoaster ride of emotions, with Hart at the helm, steering us through waves of laughter and moments of poignant reflection. It’s not just a tour; it’s a testament to Hart’s unwavering spirit and unparalleled ability to connect with people from all walks of life. Check out available Kevin Hart tickets now!

Tour Schedule for Kevin Hart Shows

The Essence of Brand New Material Tour

Kevin Hart’s journey into comedy was not an overnight success story, but rather a testament to his unwavering persistence and indefatigable spirit. His early days on the comedy circuit were fraught with challenges, as he struggled to find his comedic voice and grappled with countless rejections. But like a phoenix rising from the ashes, Hart turned his trials into triumphs, using his experiences to fuel his comedy and connect with audiences on a deeper level.

His unique brand of humor, often rooted in his personal experiences and observations, has evolved significantly over the years. From his debut album ‘I’m a Grown Little Man’, where he hilariously navigated the complexities of adulthood, to his groundbreaking comedy tour ‘Laugh at my Pain’, which delved into his tumultuous upbringing and personal struggles, Hart has consistently pushed the boundaries of comedy. He’s not afraid to bare his soul on stage, using his comedy as a cathartic release, and in doing so, he’s made his audiences laugh, cry, and most importantly, relate.

But what sets “Brand New Material” apart from your run-of-the-mill comedy tour? For starters, Kevin Hart is pulling out all the stops, weaving together a tapestry of tales that are as heartfelt as they are humorous. This isn’t just about the laughs; it’s about sharing life’s ups and downs through the lens of comedy. 🌍✨

And let’s not forget the special features that add an extra sprinkle of spice to the mix. Rumor has it, there will be surprise guest appearances from some of comedy’s brightest stars—friends of Hart who share his passion for bringing joy to the world. Each show is a unique concoction, blending new material with classic Hart humor, ensuring no two nights are the same.

With a lineup that reads like a who’s who of comedy’s elite and venues that echo with the laughter of legends past, this Kevin Hart tour is more than an event—it’s a pilgrimage for the comedy faithful. So, whether you’re a die-hard Hart fan or a casual comedy lover, these tour highlights promise an unforgettable experience where laughter reigns supreme.

Impacts and Influence of Kevin Hart’s Comedy Tours

The rippling effects of Kevin Hart’s comedy tours cannot be overlooked. As a stand-up comedian, he has created a unique brand of comedy that resonates with a wide range of audiences. His relatable humor, drawn from personal experiences and observations, has significantly impacted the comedy landscape.

From his early beginnings in Philadelphia to his rise as an international superstar, Hart’s comedy tours have evolved into major events that pull large audiences. His 2011 “Laugh at My Pain” tour, for example, grossed more than $15 million, making it one of the most successful comedy tours of all time.

Kevin Hart’s comedy tour has become a cultural phenomenon, breaking boundaries and redefining the stand-up comedy scene. His shows sell out in hours, attesting to his massive popularity and the global appeal of his humor. He has succeeded in building a brand that transcends the comedy scene, infiltrating popular culture at large.

His humor, often self-deprecating and based on his personal experiences, resonates with audiences around the world. His ability to connect with diverse audiences and his “everyman” appeal make his comedy relatable, leading to his widespread popularity.

In addition, he has leveraged social media platforms to extend his reach and engage his fans. He is not just a comedian; he is a brand, a cultural icon, and a force to be reckoned with in the entertainment industry.

Kevin Hart tour

Key Highlights from Kevin Hart Tour

Kevin Hart’s comedy tours are filled with memorable moments and milestones that define his exceptional career. Here are some key highlights from his tours:

  • “I’m a Grown Little Man” (2009): This was Hart’s debut comedy tour and an important stepping stone in his career. It introduced him to a broader audience and positioned him as a rising star in comedy.
  • “Laugh at My Pain” (2011): This tour solidified Hart’s status as a comedy titan. It was notable for its raw honesty and vulnerability, as Hart spoke about his family and personal struggles. The tour was highly successful, grossing over $15 million.
  • “What Now?” (2016): This tour made history as Hart became the first comedian to headline and sell out an NFL stadium. The tour was filmed and released as a feature film, further expanding Hart’s reach and influence.
  • “Laugh Out Loud with Kevin Hart” (2019)

These tours have not only immortalized Hart as a comedy legend but have also made him a cultural phenomenon. Through his comedy tours, Hart has been able to connect with audiences on a personal level, using humor as a tool for storytelling and self-expression.

Fan Reactions and Expectations

Stepping into a Kevin Hart show is like entering a whirlwind of wit and wisdom. Known for his sharp, observational comedy and relatable storytelling, Hart has a knack for turning everyday situations into epic tales of humor. But what exactly can fans expect from this tour, aside from aching sides and teary eyes from laughter?

First off, prepare for a masterclass in storytelling. Hart’s style, a blend of charisma and candor, turns the stage into a confessional booth, with tales of family, fame, and the foibles of everyday life. It’s this blend of the personal with the universal that makes his humor resonate so deeply. You’re not just laughing at a joke; you’re sharing in an experience, a slice of life served up with a side of hilarity.

Thematically, the tour is a smorgasbord of subjects, each delivered with Hart’s trademark energy. From the trials and tribulations of parenting in the digital age to the nuances of modern relationships, no topic is off-limits. But it’s not all fun and games; Hart isn’t afraid to delve into deeper waters, using humor as a buoy to navigate the complexities of life. It’s this delicate balance of light and shade that gives his performances depth and keeps audiences hanging on his every word.

And let’s talk about the elephant in the room: the laughter. Oh, the laughter! It’s spontaneous, it’s contagious, and it’s guaranteed. Hart’s rapid-fire delivery, coupled with his impeccable timing, ensures that the jokes land with precision, each one building on the last until the whole room is a symphony of chuckles and guffaws. 🤣

Testimonials from those who’ve been lucky enough to witness Hart in action are peppered with phrases like “laughed till I cried” and “best night ever.” These aren’t just fans; they’re converts, believers in the gospel of Hart. They speak of his shows as transformative experiences, where laughter becomes a shared language, transcending barriers and binding strangers in a common joy.

On platforms like Twitter and Instagram, the hashtag #HartLaughs is a mosaic of hope and hilarity, with fans posting their favorite Hart jokes, clips from previous tours, and, of course, memes. Lots of memes. The excitement is palpable, a tangible buzz that you can almost hear, like the distant rumble of an approaching storm of smiles.

But it’s not just about looking back; it’s about looking forward. Fans are buzzing with questions and predictions. “What new stories will Kevin share?” “How will he top his last tour?” “Who might the surprise guests be?” It’s this blend of nostalgia and anticipation that fuels the fervor, a collective eagerness to be part of what promises to be a historic chapter in Hart’s career.


Kevin Hart’s influence on the comedy scene is unmatched. His unique style, relentless work ethic, and ability to connect with audiences have solidified his status as one of the greatest comedians of his generation.

Despite the controversy and challenges he has faced, Hart continues to push the boundaries of comedy, setting new standards and inspiring upcoming comedians. His legacy extends beyond his comedy, as he has used his platform to address social issues and advocate for causes close to his heart.

As the curtains prepare to rise on this latest adventure, one question remains: Are you ready to laugh out loud with Kevin Hart? If your answer is a resounding “Yes,” then it’s time to secure your spot, to join the ranks of the joyous, and to let the healing power of laughter work its magic. After all, in the end, isn’t that what it’s all about? 🎭👏

FAQs on Kevin Hart’s Comedy Tour

What is the theme of Kevin Hart’s comedy tour?

Hart’s comedy often revolves around his personal experiences, including his family, relationships, and career.

Which are some of Kevin Hart’s most notable tours?

Some of his most popular tours include “Laugh at My Pain,” “Let Me Explain,” and “Irresponsible Tour.”

Where can I watch Kevin Hart’s comedy tour?

Recordings of his tours are often available on DVD or through streaming platforms such as Netflix.

Is the ‘Brand New Material’ tour family-friendly?

The ‘Brand New Material’ tour by Kevin Hart is primarily aimed at adult audiences due to the mature themes and language often used in his comedy. It’s recommended for audiences aged 16 and above. Parents should consider the content before deciding to bring younger audience members.

How long does a typical Kevin Hart show on tour last?

A typical Kevin Hart show on the ‘Brand New Material’ tour lasts approximately 90 to 120 minutes.

Does Kevin Hart offer meet-and-greet or VIP packages on tour?

Yes, Kevin Hart’s ‘Brand New Material’ tour may offer meet-and-greet or VIP packages for select shows. These packages can include premium seating, exclusive merchandise, and potentially an opportunity to meet Kevin personally.