The renowned comedian Jerry Seinfeld is bringing laughter-filled show to Vienna, VA, and will be performing at the Wolf Trap – Filene Center on Aug 19 (2024) . As Jerry Seinfeld continues to bring humor across the United States, get your Jerry Seinfeld ticket and experience witty and engaging comedy live when it arrives in your city.
Jerry Seinfeld Vienna Tickets
Venue & Time Info
The play will take place at Wolf Trap – Filene Center: 1551 Trap Rd, Vienna, VA 22182, United States.
Average start time: Thursday-Sunday – 7:00 or 8:00 PM.
Wolf Trap – Filene Center Seating Chart
More Jerry Seinfeld Touring Cities
Frequently Asked Questions
Where can I buy Jerry Seinfeld tickets in Vienna?
You can purchase Jerry Seinfeld tickets through various online ticketing providers, including Ticketmaster, StubHub, and SeatGeek. You can also purchase tickets directly from Jerry Seinfeld official website.
How much are Vienna Jerry Seinfeld tickets?
The price of Jerry Seinfeld tickets in Vienna varies depending on the venue, seating section, and date of the show. Tickets typically range from $55 to $166.
What is the best time to buy tickets?
The best time to buy Jerry Seinfeld tickets is as soon as possible after they go on sale. Tickets tend to sell out quickly, so it is important to be prepared.
What is the seating like for Jerry Seinfeld shows in Vienna?
The seating for Jerry Seinfeld shows varies depending on the venue. In general, there are general admission, reserved seating, and VIP seating options. General admission seating is standing room only, while reserved seating is assigned seating. VIP seating typically includes access to a private area, meet-and-greet with Jerry Seinfeld, and other exclusive perks.
What is the age limit for Jerry Seinfeld?
The age limit is typically 18+. However, some venues may have different age restrictions. It’s important to check the venue’s website or call ahead for specific information.
What should I wear to a Jerry Seinfeld show in Vienna?
Dress code is typically casual. You’ll see a mix of people in jeans, T-shirts, and cocktail dresses. However, it’s always a good idea to dress comfortably, as you may be standing for a long time.
What is the refund policy?
The refund policy for Jerry Seinfeld tickets varies depending on the ticketing provider. However, in general, tickets are non-refundable unless the show is cancelled or postponed. In the case of a cancellation or postponement, you will be issued a refund to the original form of payment.
What should I do if I have any questions about my tickets for Jerry Seinfeld in Vienna?
If you have any questions about your Jerry Seinfeld tickets in Vienna, contact the ticketing provider that you purchased them from. You can also contact official website.
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